четверг, 23 января 2020 г.


Start Prev 1 Next End 1. Register or Sign In Username or Email. It makes everyone to use all yoothemes templates. Send us a quick email to sales crosstec. DarkoCujic Offline Administrator Posts: yootheme pulse

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Need a custom form? No support per domain or website installation limits! You can add as media as you want and of course you can combine all media into the same article image, video and sound. Check out our icon packs page! Additional Fields Some of the elements that you can display inside a Grid Stack widget need to be defined first by creating an additional field inside the Content Manager. How to receive the discount: A real eye-catcher is the new menu which comes with smooth fading effects and enhanced dropdown menu transitions.

To do so, first pulsse have to create a new file called pulse-custom.

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It makes everyone to use all yoothemes templates. This addition to the YOOtheme module system, gives you the possibility to chose between different module proportions for each module position.

YOOsearch is a exclusive Joomla 1. Color Yoogheme is a real chameleon. Premiere ist am Sonntag, den Link Text [Text] Define the link text. Nu comes with a slick news magazine template look and features three different style themes white, black, pastel each having additional color variations. If the most important part of your K2 content is extra fields then you would find it difficult to modify your K2 items. For each media added to your articles a token is generated 42 char length computed with numbers and letters.

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Are you looking for more engaging traffic to your Joomla site? Utimate Media Manager for K2 is a K2 component plugin which allows to add images, videos and sounds to your K2 articles.

Kommen Sie mit nach Nimmerland! Summer Sale No support per domain or website installation limits! New Icon Packs Category!

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The articles count module as the name suggestscounts the articles in your K2 categories, and displays the categories in a list with a link to each category. Community Reward Help us to create new extensions and plugins! Now you can take the full advantage of each module position, using the flexible Module Proportions feature.

Hey, could you please attach a link to your website so we can take a look. Optionally the module can use a collapsible tree to show the category structure. K2 is the popular powerful content extension for Joomla with CCK-like content construction kit features. The animation that will be applied to pukse overlay when being displayed on hover. Field Description Tags Need to be created for filtering items.

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Cookies erleichtern die Bereitstellung unserer Dienste. Hey, if I understood correctly, you just need to switch places of previous and next links.

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Blueprint also features a yoothmee of selected color variations make sure to take a glance at these too. Crosstec is now offering icon packs. Start Prev 1 Next End 1. Badge Set off text content visually from the rest of the item.

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