воскресенье, 12 января 2020 г.


The maximum value depends on the number of cameras connected to the tracker. When the SOS button is pressed, the tracker will dial phone numbers 1, 2, and 3 in sequence. The calculation result is used as the temperature sensor checksum. When the card start number is a value ranging from 1 to and n is greater than or equal to , all authorized numbers will be deleted. Separates commands from checksums. Hexadecimal is represented as 0x2C. When A is 10, the tracker's indicator is turned off. mvt380 driver

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CD for MVT - Meitrack

Input 3 is used to detect engine status. Base station information in an SMS is empty. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. The maximum value is The minimum value is 0.

Logical name customized name: The maximum value is 8. If no user name and password are required, leave them blank.

The following lists inputs of trackers: If the A19 command is enabled, the MT90 can be woken up.

MVT GPS Vehicle Tracker

When the device enters deep sleep mode, it will send heartbeat packets at the specified interval. If data is inconsistent, use the C40 and C43 commands to set data.

The TC68S can determine drkver the engine is activated based on vehicle battery voltage. When the fuel percentage is lower than or equal to the value, an alarm is generate, and the alarm event code is The highest byte is the sensor No.

MVT380 GPS Vehicle Tracker

Otherwise, the function is unavailable. Otherwise, the towing alarm function is unavailable.

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When the consecutive vibration duration is greater than 0, the function is enabled. The maximum value is generally mvt38. For example, after swiping the authorized RFID card, you must start the engine within 1 minute. If the value is 0, the temperature sensor is not registered.

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If the GPRS scheduled tracking and distance tracking functions are both set, reporting complies with the "first reach first report" rule, and both rdiver time interval and distance will be reset to 0 until the next report. Number of remaining caches: The default value is 1.

A maximum of 32 bytes are supported. You can delete multiple pictures. Remember me on this computer. When the speed is a value ranging from 1 to unit: When the In Geo-fence alarm is 0, the mvvt380 function is disabled. Decimal Event code 1 For details, see section 1.

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If there are only 4 digits after the decimal point, add two digits 0. Druver Indicates the GPS signal status. When the angle is 0, the direction change report function is disabled default. Number of RFID packets: Picture data packet start number: For example, an alarm is generated when input 3 or 4 of the MVT is activated or input 2 or 3 of the TX is activated.

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